2023. december 11. (hétfő) 20:00

Public debate of Nasraldeen Alnor Adam Khleel

József Hatvany Doctoral School for Computer Science and Engineering kindly invites those who are interested to the public debate of the doctoral dissertation of Khleel Nasraldeen Alnor Adam titled:

Utilizing Data-Balancing Techniques to Improve AI-Based Prediction of Software Bugs and Code Smells

Academic supervisor:

  • Dr. Károly Nehéz, associate professor (University of Miskolc)

Date and time of debate: 8th January 2024 (Monday) 10:00 a.m.

Location of debate: University of Miskolc, Information Science Building, 1st floor, room 114. (library)

Link to join online: MS Teams

The dissertation and the thesis booklet for the debate can be accessed through the following links:
